officially, i'm sick!
tmr i'm not going to school.
i will miss my friends. :[
although its a day. ;]
alright, now i'm feeling so light.
as if, i'm floating.
and my hands are staring to tremble.
i dont know why.
in total there are 3 types of medication i have to take. ;[

and for the flu one,
tables in the moring and liquid in the night.
how toublesome is that! ><
and my dear sick-ish brain.
its getting hotter i guess.
go away larr, fever. -.-
and guess what.
not going to school tmr means that i have to miss pe! ;[
pe! i can lose weight during pe man!
awww. so bad. :[
i hope i can get well soon.
i'm so exited for cross country! :D
well today during school.
i was going mad for tissues larr.
i was going mad for tissues larr.
got shock by mrs ang.
she cut short her hair!
when i told elora and norsilah they didn't believe me! -.-
prefect meeting.
still okay larr.
didn't spolit the mood.
got test during lit.
i'm gonna flunk it.
the answer were so hard to find.
freak. -.-
class got shock of mrs ang's hair
mt, went down with elora to collect books and stuff.
went down for 2 times!
tired man.
thanks god that our class in on the 2nd floor. ;]
and well regarding that issue.
i dont know what happen.
and i know blog are ment for the whole world to read.
but sometimes what i said here might not be true right?
okay, i mean pple who know me,
u do know what i'm talking right.
for pple out there and reading this post.
if you dont even know me.
nor have to right to say what here.
maybe you should know what is the truth before saying anything that you dont know.
i'm not criticise anyone here.
but maybe there are some pple out there reading, have been spreading rumors around.
i dont know who, and i dont know why.
in fact, i'm just saying this for fun.
i dont really know that if there are pple reading now.
so dont take it to heart, people on earth. ;]
well, i'm darm tired now.
goodnights! :D
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